Sunday, April 18, 2010

Blog Classifications

A blog can bring in many forms of communication, not limited to images, sounds, videos, links, sometimes chat, and even interactive games inside it. Such flexibility makes a lot of different purpose and clasiffications of why blogs are created.

Some is created in form of self expression, some solely for reviews, some for publications or advertising, and a lot others for numerous reasons, therefore there are numerous ways blogs can be classified, let's bring Balkhis (2009) opinion for example.

According to him, most popular blogs are likely to be:

Of course, this is just an example of a published blog classification, there are many others, take for example The Media Report by Funnel 2009, according to Margaret Simmons, blogs comes in many more elaborate classifications, such as:

  • Pamphleteering Blog,
  • Digest Blog
  • Advocacy Blog
  • Popular Mechanics Blog
  • Exhibition Blog
  • Gatewatcher Blog
  • the Diary
  • Advertisement
  • News Blog

As you can see, many people had many different ideas on how many type of blogs are there. But generally they have the same idea that blogs should be classified by it's purpose, it's origins, what it includes and what it tries to convey, instead of any other reasons such as who created it.


Simons, M 2008, A Taxonomy of Blogs, Online, viewed 15 April 2010,

Balkhis 2009 , 7 Most Popular Type of Blog Posts, Online, viewed 14 April 2010

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