Thursday, April 15, 2010

Blog Phenomenon, and its community benefits

Blogging is a huge segment of the web right now, according to this graph by Technorati survey, since 2006 there were approximately 100,000 blogs created everyday, this is according to Gartner(2006), a staggering amount, while some are indeed spam, but most of which he believes are active for some time. The graph below also demonstrate how fast the blogging phenomenon rose during it's booming years.

Why Blogs though? As I come to understand from being given tasks such as this, I feel that blogging is a very exciting tool of self expression. Maybe this is exactly what young people these days wants, thus the popularity of blogging.

A Technorati 2009 publication described below explains that 72% of the bloggers are indeed, simply hobbyists, they blog for fun, and I imagine it must be working well :)

As for the benefits of blogging besides for self-expression and fun, maybe the 15% of part timers that earn, according to the article up to $75,000 a year would explain it. Blogging these days can also be used as an income source, as means to advertise, an all around powerful publication tool.

As for me personally, I would read blogs probably for the same reason why I browse, information is invaluable in this day and age, personal likes of products and stuffs you don't wanna miss, provided to you by the many passionate and intelligent bloggers, all the good stuffs really!
Gartner M, 2006, Blogging Set to Peak Next Year, Online, viewed 14 April 2010
Technorati States of the Blogosphere 2009, Online, viewed 13 April 2010

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